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Vietnam War US & Allied Combat

The history of military forces, artifacts, personalities and techniques of warfare.

During the engagement of US and allied ground troops in the Vietnam War (1965-72) a bewildering range of equipments - "web gear" - were worn by the combat infantry. Responses to local conditions led to the development of new patterns, which partly superseded earlier items and were partly mixed piecemeal. They were also augmented with locally acquired "indigenous" gear, and some were modified for purposes never foreseen by the designers. This book, by a Vietnam veteran of the US Army Special Forces, unpicks the mysteries of what the "grunts" actually wore and carried in the "boonies", including not only the US Army and Marine Corps but also the ARVN, the ANZACs, and other Free World forces. It includes identifying Federal Stock Numbers of all major items for the guidance of collectors; and it is illustrated with many photos, as well as color plates offering more than 90 images with detailed commentaries.

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