Your purchase helps to support The US Army Museum of Hawaii to build new exhibits, maintain current exhibits and maintain the facility


Childrens Clothing related to the military.
Army OD Green T-Shirt Kids $12.99
Army OD Green T-Shirt Kids $12.99
AH-IF Cobra Helicopter Kids T-Shirt $16.99
AH-IF Cobra Helicopter Kids T-Shirt $16.99
Willys Jeep T-Shirt Kids $16.99
Willys Jeep T-Shirt Kids $16.99
Sailor Duckie $6.95
Sailor Duckie $6.95
Rosie Kids T-Shirt $18.99
Rosie Kids T-Shirt $18.99
Cobi Willys Jeep with trailer $32.99
Cobi Willys Jeep with trailer $32.99
Cobi P51 Mustang Airplane Model $28.99
Cobi P51 Mustang Airplane Model $28.99
Cobi Willys Jeep MB $28.99
Cobi Willys Jeep MB $28.99
M4A3 Sherman Tank Model Sold Out
M4A3 Sherman Tank Model Sold Out
Cobi Chinook Helicopter $50.99
Cobi Chinook Helicopter $50.99
Plush P-51 Airplane $29.99
Plush P-51 Airplane $29.99
Cobi Mark 1 Tank Model $65.99
Cobi Mark 1 Tank Model $65.99
Cobi Medical Willy Jeep $22.99
Cobi Medical Willy Jeep $22.99
Cobi AH-64 Apache Helicopter Model $50.99
Cobi AH-64 Apache Helicopter Model $50.99
Jeep Willy Model Pullback $18.99
Jeep Willy Model Pullback $18.99
ZZZ Bear Voice Recorder $19.95
ZZZ Bear Voice Recorder $19.95