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US Army Rangers 1989-2015

US Army Rangers 1989-2015: Panama to Afghanistan.


Written by an expert on modern special forces units and the operations they undertake, this book explains the evolution of the Rangers' missions in Panama, the first Gulf War, Somalia, and the post-9/11 invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. It reveals the training and organizational changes that the unit has undergone and investigates, in particular, how their doctrine and mantra have changed during the fourteen-year war in Afghanistan.

At the beginning of the war, the Rangers were an elite light infantry unit of men tasked with short-duration recon raids and securing ground behind enemy lines in support of Special Forces--eventually becoming a special-mission unit themselves--on the cusp of being assigned to the Joint Special Operations Command.

Table of Contents

Introduction – the 'ranger' in history, as a behind-the-lines guerrilla soldier – the US Army Rangers, from World War II to Vietnam and after/ Changes in structure and operational remit since the 1980s – Ranger Indocrination Program, Ranger Assessment & Selection Program, Ranger School, and the Ranger Regiment/ Operation Just Cause: Panama, 1989 – the Rangers' last 'conventional war'/ Op Desert Storm: Iraq, 1991 – from combat search-and-rescue to long-range heliborne assault/ Op Gothic Serpent: Somalia, 1993 – the lessons of 'Black Hawk Down!'/ Op Enduring Freedom: Afghanistan, 2001-present – the wide range of missions accomplished, and coordination with other special units/ Op Iraqi Freedom, 2003-1010 – from hunting Scuds, to hunting down al-Qaeda as part of the JSOC Task Force – comparisons with Afghanistan/ The evolution of the modern Ranger – the Ranger Reconaissance Company & Regimental Special Troops Battalion/ The future/ Weapons, equipment and vehicles/ Bibliography


Written by: Leigh Neville

Illustrated by: Peter Dennis




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