Your purchase helps to support The US Army Museum of Hawaii to build new exhibits, maintain current exhibits and maintain the facility


The Army Museum of Hawaii has a wide selection of hats related to the US Army, the other branches of service and the various conflicts the USA has been involved in.
27" Bandana Tiger Stripe Camo $4.99
27" Bandana Tiger Stripe Camo $4.99
27" Bandana Desert Camo $4.99
27" Bandana Desert Camo $4.99
27" Bandana Tri-Color Desert Camo $4.99
27" Bandana Tri-Color Desert Camo $4.99
POW/MIA Barbed Wire Hat $21.99
POW/MIA Barbed Wire Hat $21.99
101st Airborne Division Hat $21.99
101st Airborne Division Hat $21.99
WWII Veteran Hat $18.99
WWII Veteran Hat $18.99
Mac V Sog Special Forces Cap $17.99
Mac V Sog Special Forces Cap $17.99
25th Infantry Division Hat Sold Out
25th Infantry Division Hat Sold Out
US Army Vietnam Veteran Cap $20.99
US Army Vietnam Veteran Cap $20.99
WWII - Korea Veteran Cap $17.99
WWII - Korea Veteran Cap $17.99
WWII - Korean - Vietnam Veteran Cap $17.99
WWII - Korean - Vietnam Veteran Cap $17.99
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