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The Lost Road Home


The Lost Road Home: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the Psychological Effects of War on Veterans and Their Families. 

The Lost Road Home provides veterans and loved ones with the direction they need for help and recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Do you know a veteran changed by the experience of war? Have you noticed impatience, explosive anger, alcohol or drug abuse, hopelessness, isolation, depression or reckless behavior? If so, you may know someone suffering from PTSD. In The Lost Road Home, Milly Balzarini shares the poignant, heart-wrenching stories of veterans from wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Korea and World War II suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. For these veterans, their world had changed. They had changed. Many felt lost and isolated because they returned to a world that refused to hear, or couldn't understand, the trauma they had experienced in war. Because of these readjustment problems, an estimated 150,000 veterans from Vietnam alone committed suicide. Even today an estimated 6,200 veterans, including soldiers returning from Iraq, commit suicide each year, that's 18 veterans a day, a rate twice that of the national average. This book provides help to veterans and families coping with post-traumatic stress disorder and shares the practical, real-world symptoms of PTSD along with how to get the medical and financial help so desperately needed.

Written by: Milly Balzarini.