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DAUNTLESS: The 1st & 2nd Filipino Infantry Regiments; United States Army; Fought to Free the Philippines; a Secret Group Returned Before the Allies

1941. December 7. At almost eight in the morning, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor that ended with thousands of American casualties. Less than ten hours after, the Japanese invasion of the Philippines began. President Franklin D. Roosevelt dubbed the attack "the date that will live in infamy."

It was the mainspring for the entry of the United States into World War II and catalyzed the formation of the U.S. Army's First Filipino Battalion.With the Philippines attacked, Filipinos living in the United States of America up and volunteered for the military--burning with the desire to return to their motherland and repel the enemy. The questioned arose: why did they join when their entire life in California was debased with systemic and rampant anti-Filipino sentiment and legislation? What complicated patriotism had made thousands of Filipino men in America volunteer into the Army despite decades of horrible inequities inflicted upon them? Was it even worth it?

Soft cover. 762 pages

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